June 17, 2022 1 min read
This is a guest post from Dr. Baker Chambliss, D.M.D. – Medplex Pediatric Dentistry
“My name is Dr. Baker Chambliss, I am a pediatric dentist with a private practice in Birmingham, AL - Medplex Pediatric Dentistry. I often have parents specifically ask for an esthetic crown option that has no metal substructure. The NuSmile ZR crown is a beautifully esthetic restoration and parents are exceptionally pleased with the outcome. Their natural appearance is impressive. I have grown to really enjoy doing esthetic crown cases for my patients. Parents are always amazed at the results using NuSmile ZR crowns. I have been using NuSmile crowns for the past 11 years and cannot imagine placing any other type of zirconia crown.”
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